Melcor | Alpha Stage III

NetSyde Platform
2 min readMar 14, 2023


New generation marketplace

Deterministic IPFS indexing system

Melcor has switched to a deterministic indexing system from IPFS. Now the metadata should not be lost.

Now displays a message if the entity is not indexed yet.

New scrollbar

The scrollbar is now displayed on top of the content, and does not occupy part of it.


Added pagination for product, collection, category and store pages.


Added search of products and stores.

Guarantor system

The guarantor system has been improved. Now, when registering as a guarantor, you can specify what kind of commission you want to receive for resolving conflicts. When the dispute is resolved, you will be credited with nth amount of tokens

Product page changes

The design of the product page has been changed. More changes in the next version!


Added Russian localization to the main platform and documentation. If you can help translate the project into other languages, please contact us.
You can change the language in the settings.


Payment token commission is now included in transactions. Currently there are 3 tokens available: NSD, WTH, LINK. Each token has its own commission. The commission of NSD token will always be 0. The commission of other tokens may change over time. You can buy NSD token on uniswap.



Other changes

– Added a button to select all shipping countries at once.

– Fixed incorrect selection of all shipping countries if one or more countries have already been selected.

– Added the Create Product button on the store page.

– Now, when creating a store, there is a redirection on the store page, and not to the main page.

– Сhanged photo viewer.


